Dates to Remember:
Nov 27-29: Thanksgiving Holiday - No class (office closed), but we will have classes on Mon-Tues.
Dec 2-5: Regular classes
Dec 4: Dress Rehearsal
Dec 6: SHOW A | 6:00-7:30 pm (Check-in by 5:30)
Dec 7: SHOW B | 10:00-11:30 am (Check-in by 9:30)
We try our best to stay on schedule and not go over the times above. We do appreciate some buffer time as dancers figure out timing and spacing in a new environment.
Additional Hair and Makeup Tutorials:
Check in: All dancers need to be checked into their dressing room by the start of their rehearsal time.
Check out: All dancers are free to leave once their class has rehearsed on stage and their teacher releases them. We will text families when classes are released. Please ensure dancers have cleaned up their dressing spots and have all their belongings and costumes. We cannot leave anything behind.
Dress rehearsal is our time to work through any kinks that might arise with staging, props, choreography, etc and is mandatory for all students so please make sure your dancer is in attendance.
Dress Rehearsal | December 4, 2024
All students participating in the recital are required to attend the dress rehearsal
(Chiles High School Auditorium - please enter/exit backstage hall doors facing the parking lot)
Please have your QR code ready to check your dancer in. This will be emailed to families by December 1st from Check-in Pointe.
Show A | 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Dancers need to be completely checked in and ready to start by 4:00pm. Dancers will start with curtain call and we will work through the show from start to finish.
Show B | 5:45-8:00 pm
Dancers need to be completely checked in and ready to start by 5:45pm. Dancers will start with curtain call and we will work through the show from start to finish.
Parents do not need to stay, but you are welcome to sit quietly in the sanctuary if you would like. Dancers will be released once their last dance has finished. We will text two to three groups of classes at a time to let parents know that they are done with their rehearsal.
Students will each have a designated dressing spot with their name and costume order. Please ensure they find and put all their belongings in their designated space. They will need to clean up this spot before they leave.
Below is the program order. Please review this before dress rehearsal so your dancer knows what costume they start in.
All dancers need ballet pink tights and hair in a bun. Please ensure your dancer has the appropriate dance shoes:
Ballet - Pink ballet shoes
Jazz - Black jazz shoes
Tap - Black tap shoes
Contemporary - Half Soles
Dancers with multiple costume changes need a flesh-colored leotard to wear under their costume. This helps with quick costume changes. This is also great if your dancer has sensory issues with their costume as it provides an extra layer of comfort. Please ensure your dancer has something to wear over their flesh-colored leotard (sweater, shirt, dress, etc). We ask that dancers not walk the halls/sanctuary in their flesh-colored leotard.
Some things you need to know:
Students need to bring food! Please have snacks and/or dinner for your dancer. Please make sure it is a nut-free snack/food as we do have students with nut allergies.
Students need to bring a water bottle! Please ensure your dancer has a water bottle and some sort of electrolyte drink to keep them hydrated. This is especially important for our upper-division students in multiple dances.
Students may bring something to keep them occupied during down times. We will have coloring pages and some puzzles at tables.
Put your dancer's name on EVERYTHING! Things get left, tossed around, and mixed up with other dancers' stuff. Please make sure your dancer's name is on everything they bring including their costume, shoes, food, drinks, etc.
Help us keep things tidy - when you pick up your dancer please make sure they have cleaned up any trash, gathered all their stuff, and they leave their dressing area nice and clean. This helps us at the end of the night!
December 6: SHOW A | 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Dancers need to be checked in, show ready by 5:30
December 7: SHOW B | 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Dancers need to be checked in, show ready by 9:30
After curtain call dancers will return to their dressing rooms to gather all their belongings and clean up their area.
Please enter through the side door to get your dancer. Please refrain from bringing siblings and additional family members to help cut down on the chaos. Please make sure that they have everything they came with and that they do not leave any trash.
Please ensure you have your QR code ready to check them out.
The Nutcracker - Show A
December 6, 2024
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Act I
Christmas Party | Monday Ballet age 5-7s
Battle of Mice & Toy Soldiers | Monday Level 1 Jazz
The Pine Forest | Company
Snowflakes | Monday Level 1 Ballet
Act II
Angels | Monday age 4&5s Ballet
The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy | AnnaGrace Sobeski
Welcome to the Land of Sweets
Chinese Tea | Tuesday Age 4&5s Jazz/Tap
Bon Bons | Monday Age 5-7s Contemporary
Arabian Coffee | Monday Contemporary Level 1
Spanish Chocolate | Molly Gay
Russian Candy Canes | Tuesday Age 4&5s Jazz/Tap
Reed Flutes | Thursday Level 2 Ballet
Waltz of the Flowers | Thursday Level 3 Ballet
Sugar Plum Fairy | AnnaGrace Sobeski
Goodbye to the land of sweets
Curtain Call
The Nutcracker - Show B
December 7, 2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Act I
Christmas Party | Monday Ballet age 5-7s
Battle of Mice & Toy Soldiers | Monday Level 2 Jazz
The Pine Forest | Company
Snowflakes | Thursday Level 1 Ballet
Act II
Angels | Monday age 3&4s Ballet
The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy | AnnaGrace Sobeski
Welcome to the Land of Sweets
Chinese Tea | Monday Age 5-7s Jazz/Tap
Bon Bons | Thursday Age 5-7s Ballet
Arabian Coffee | Monday Contemporary Level 2/3
Spanish Chocolate | Molly Gay
Russian Candy Canes | Monday Age 5-7s Jazz/Tap
Reed Flutes | Monday Level 2 Ballet
Waltz of the Flowers | Tuesday Level 3 Ballet
Sugar Plum Fairy | AnnaGrace Sobeski
Goodbye to the land of sweets
Curtain Call